Bloomsday Discount

Bloomsday is upon us once more, so to celebrate, we’re offering Dubliners 100 for the special price of €10 for the month of June.

Published in the centenary of James Joyce’s Dubliners, Thomas Morris’s inventive collection was the second book published by Tramp Press. (Seriously, when commissioning started we hadn’t published a single thing yet, but somehow persuaded these major authors to get on board with this book.) Tom’s great idea – to ask contemporary writers to pick a story from Dubliners and write a cover version – resulted in 15 brilliant, witty, challenging new stories from authors including Eimear McBride, Donal Ryan, Paul Murray, and Belinda McKeon. It says a lot about Tom’s inspired idea, and his talent for bringing people together, that it all happened so easily, and the whole process was so much fun. It also told us a lot about how approachable and sound most authors are.

The book went on to win an Irish Book Award, got great reviews, and we’ve reprinted it a couple of times. It continues to sell well, and is one of our best-selling titles outside Ireland too.

Just head over to to pick up your copy.