Emilie Pine is Associate Professor of Modern Drama at University College Dublin. Emilie is Editor of the Irish University Review and Director of the Irish Memory Studies Network (www.irishmemorystudies.com). She is PI of the Irish Research Council New Horizons project Industrial Memories, a digital humanities re-reading of the Ryan Report on institutional child abuse (https://industrialmemories.ucd.ie).
Emilie has published widely in the fields of Irish studies, Performance studies, and Memory studies, including The Politics of Irish Memory: Performing Remembrance in Contemporary Irish Culture (Palgrave, 2011) and The Memory Marketplace: Performance, Testimony and Witnessing in Contemporary Theatre (forthcoming Indiana University Press, 2019).
Her No.1 bestselling collection of personal essays, Notes to Self, was published in 2018 and has so far been shortlisted for the Michel Déon Prize and the Butler Literary Award.